CommunityDevOps ExchangePartners

Ignite Your DevOps Career with the Copado Community

Welcome to the Copado Community — the world’s best way to learn Salesforce DevOps skills.


Personalize Your Learning Experience

Identify the real-world skills you need to advance your career. Tackle DevOps modules and answer questions to earn points, unlock new levels and get professional certifications.

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Enter a World of Collaboration & Camaraderie

Connect with thousands of DevOps professionals across the globe! Join dedicated training groups and study sessions to share insights and work together to solve any challenge.

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Grow Your Skill Set on the Copado Academy

Master in-demand DevOps skills and best practices with training modules tailored to your learning style and career goals.

Salesforce CI/CD

Ready to automate deployments? Connect Copado to your Salesforce instance and use the clicks-not-code Metadata Grid to commit, promote and deploy changes.

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Robotic Testing

Learn how to automate tests across applications (web, mobile, UI, API, desktop) to catch bugs before end-users do. No coding required!

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Functions & Extensions

Tailor Copado to your DevOps requirements and customize functionality with extensions and integrations to the rest of your software stack.

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Want to Be a DevOps Leader?

Step into the spotlight as a featured Copado Community Member and explore avenues for mentorship, community leadership and career development.

Copado Mentorship Program

It’s easier to learn DevOps with a mentor! Copado offers two opportunities to pair up: the 6-week Copado Mentorship Program tackles DevOps best practices (ideal for Fundamentals I or Fundamentals II Certification track), while the intensive 4-week Copado Advanced Mentorship Program dives into advanced CI/CD and testing concepts.

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Community Champions Program

The annual Copado Champions Program recognizes community contributors for exceptional DevOps expertise, leadership ability and sphere of influence.

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DevOps Masters Series

We're always looking for blog contributions on a spectrum of topics — from pipeline tips to implementation best practices to future trends. Here’s the platform you need to share your knowledge!

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DevOps Exchange: Your One-Stop Shop for Prebuilt SaaS Solutions

Enhance your implementation and extend Copado functionality with 80+ ready-to-use applications and integrations from ISV and SI partners.


Learn. Connect. Grow.