Cox Automotive approached Copado in 2017 with a clearcut development challenge. While they were leveraging Salesforce to create and deploy low-code software, their manual release process was leading to lots of errors.
Releases Per Month
User Stories Deployed Each Month
Level of Confidence
The issues impacting Cox Automotive before they implemented Copado was two-fold. First, Cox struggled to deploy partial functionality since team members often forgot to add metadata changes to each release. Also, the updates made directly in production created overwrites and syncing challenges — resulting in bugs and lost work.
To solve Cox’s problems, Copado combined its User Story-centric approach and admin-friendly, configurable deployments.
Like many Salesforce customers, Cox’s production org was their source of truth before they adopted DevOps. The problem with this approach? Dev, QA and PreProd orgs are always “behind” production. This means that when you deploy from a staging sandbox to production, direct changes get overwritten. What’s more, using a production org as your source of truth hampers your ability to rollback changes.
Copado CI/CD Pipelines made it easy for Cox to configure their deployments. Copado’s native Salesforce UI/UX design helps both low-code and pro-code users to follow the process rather than making changes directly in production.
Cox successfully leveraged this approach to unlock more confidence and consistency in their releases. Ultimately, Cox went from no single source of truth and tons of dev downtime to 40+ releases and 60+ User Stories each month. Increased productivity and quality not only drive a better development process for Cox — they also improve team morale and unlock greater ROI.
Cox took a three-step approach to fix its deployment challenges and shifted their source of truth from the production org to GitHub — enabling rollbacks and greatly reducing overwrites. Cox’s expansion away from build-and-deploy tactics has helped them establish a single source of truth for Salesforce, improve feature quality and standardize processes across eight agile teams.
The process standardization across Cox Automotive’s five Salesforce orgs has boosted team confidence, while developers can now work seamlessly across development teams without overwriting each other’s work.