KUKA needed DevOps to ramp their automated manufacturing. Copado helped KUKA save countless hours per deployment and boost quality via version control.
Sprint Deployments
Dev Tool Integrations
Version Control
in Velocity & Quality Control
Despite using Salesforce since 2016, KUKA realized that they were struggling with DevOps. Before Copado, KUKA managed their releases through JIRA. Developers had to create user stories, manually comment on the APEX component that was modified and track which one should be part of the next deployment.
At the end of a sprint cycle, they removed all named components from JIRA and deployed with changesets or by files with the workbench. This often led to errors and sandbox refreshes required manual intervention and delays in deployment.
There was no real quality control or verification method which resulted in numerous errors and time lost.
To add to their frustrations and the setup complexity, KUKA didn’t have a source of truth. There was no version control, which led to frequent overwrites. It was further exacerbated by the lack of visibility and transparency, which only increased the chance of error and loss of time.
The team at KUKA knew this process couldn’t continue and that something needed to change for them to be able to lead the charge in the intelligent automation industry. KUKA began evaluating DevOps tools.
After implementing Copado in 2017, KUKA saw an immediate impact. They began with the Copado-JIRA integration to get all their JIRA user stories synced to create them in Copado.
With Copado, individual code or metadata changes no longer needed to get manually named on the JIRA user stories — Copado took care of this automatically. This saved KUKA countless hours that had previously been spent manually tracking. The team now has an overview of all touched components and can deploy based on user stories from org to org.
After operating with these improved processes for a year and a half, KUKA decided to increase its release sophistication and step it up a notch by implementing the use of GIT as a service provider for the repository.
KUKA has seen a true transformation in their DevOps processes through the use of Copado. Copado has enabled KUKA to implement a true DevOps process and eliminate the need for manual intervention. By adopting Copado as their DevOps tool, KUKA has seen both an increase in the velocity and quality of its releases.